Snehapoorvam Scholarship Scheme to Orphan Students

Snehapoorvam Scholarship Scheme will be launched to take care of children who have lost their parents and are finding it difficult to continue their studies. Government has launched “SNEHAPOORVAM” as per the G.O (MS) No.36/2012/SWD dated 06.06.12 to provide financial support to orphans who are living in the family, with their relatives, friends, or the support of the community under the Social welfare Department implemented through Social Security Mission. The mission has initiated the project that aims at bringing these children to the main stream of the society. Higher Secondary Students will get a monthly scholarship of Rs 750.Click the below link for Notification and Application form.

Snehapoorvam Scholarship Scheme. Instructions
Snehapoorvam Scholarship Scheme. GO(MS) No. 83/2014/SJD dtd 10.10.2014
Application Form for information collection
Snehapoorvam User Manual: New Registration | Renewal |Transfer
Online Institution Login & Application Data entry portal

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