free fonts that can be used in logos

In this post ,I want to show you some free fonts that can be used in logos designing or making website's banners .They are all nice ,simple and clean :D good start for making a logo or banner in web 2.0 style .
Check them out

guardian Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

bitsumishi Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

He’s Dead Jim
hesdeadjim Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines
 (look like text in Die Hard movie's poster ^^ )
hagane Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

fireye Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Ash font
ash Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

breakaway Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

AutoBahn font
autobahn Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Carbon Block
carbonblock Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Dorado Headline
doradohaeadline Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Corporate HQ
corporatehq Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Good Times
goodtimes Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

choktoff Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

kimberly Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Pirulen font
pirulen Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

SF Old Republic
sfoldrepublic Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Final Frontier
finalfrontier Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Flip Flop font
flipflop Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Fortune City
fortunecity Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

harabara Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Mamma Gamma
mammagamma Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

mentone Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

micromieps Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

moltors Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

oceania Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

olijo Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

ptarmigan Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

SF speedwaystar
sfspeedwaystar Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Shadow Tag
shadowtag Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Venus Rising
venusrising Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

virtue Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

whoopass Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

zag Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Red Circle
redcircle Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

jumbo Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

PDF ൽ ആവശ്യമില്ലാത്ത ചിത്രങ്ങളോ (Picture ), തലക്കെട്ടുകളോ (heading), സ്ഥലങ്ങളോ (Area), പാഠഭാഗങ്ങളോ (Paragraphs ) ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ അവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്താൽ അതൊക്കെ മാഞ്ഞു പോകും. (undo ഉണ്ട്). Font Size, Picture Size എന്നിവ ക്രമീകരിക്കാം. അതിനു ശേഷം PDF ബട്ടൺ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്താൽ നിങ്ങൾ ആഗ്രഹിച്ച PDF ലഭിക്കും

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