St. Joseph's Parish Shrine, Pavaratty

The area called Pavaratty was under the Chittattukara parish for a long time. The church officials of Chittattukara didn't pay any heed to the request of the people from Pavaratty regarding the time of ceremonies and they decided to build a church on their own at Pavaratty. The ancient Palayur Church was all in support of the venture of the Pavaratty people and allowed them to complete a church with thatched palm - splints and coconut tree-pillars. The simple structure was blessed on the 13th April 1876, on a Maundy Thursday. Without delay, they set out to construct a permanent structure and it was completed in 1880, and the miraculous statue was placed with honour on the main altar.

The Parish church at Pavaratty is dedicated to St.Joseph. The neighbouring churches which had been founded earlier are dedicated to St.Thomas (Palayur), St. Sebastian (Chittattukara), Lady of Mt.Carmel (North Pudukad) and Good Shepherd (Mullassery) respectively; and so the ancestors might have dedicated the church to a special patron, viz.St.Joseph. In Holy Bible, We read of St.Joseph as the just man (Matt 1.19) and as perfectly loyal to the Divine Will (Matt 2.13,20).

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