If you are managing a business firm or an organisation and you require to collect a lot of data periodically from your clients/subordinates Google Forms are an easier option.Google Forms easily collect the data from your clients without the hassles of consolidating each and every data sent by the clients. 

The structure
The structure Google Forms mainly consist of two parts.The first part or the front end is with your clients and the other end (back end) is with you on Google Drive.The data your clients enter on their part is immediately received in the back end in a data sheet format. In addition to the above two units essentially we need a medium to connect the client with your form. The medium can be either your clients email or can be your web site/blog. 

 The method of creating a Google Form

Needlessly to say that you require a Gmail account to start with. Login into your Google account and search Google for google forms and you will be taken toGoogleFormsURL - on "Create Form" link. Then you will be taken to a screen like below

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